Teeth whitening is the simplest aesthetic application where a person can positively improve their appearance. At first glance, white teeth add a more reliable, warm, young and dynamic appearance to the person.

Teeth can be colored depending on age, smoking, consumption of food containing food coloring, drug use, tooth brushing habit, tea and coffee consumption. One of the most important factors determining tooth color is genetics. Some people's teeth have an inherently white enamel.

Depending on the age, the teeth appear more yellowish as the lower layer of the tooth appears as a result of wear on the enamel layer. Unfortunately our twenty year old tooth color and fifty year old tooth color will not be the same.

There are two methods in teeth whitening. These methods, which are simply divided into two as office and home type, are not suitable for every case. Therefore, teeth whitening should not be performed without a doctor's control. Which type of bleaching suits you best determines many factors such as the degree of coloration, your age, your gum condition, your pain threshold.


In clinical type teeth whitening, after removing the stains on the tooth surfaces, the gums are covered with a protective foam layer. Teeth whitening medicine is applied to the teeth and activated. Generally, 3 sessions of 40 minutes or 2 sessions of 1 hour are applied.


In home-type teeth whitening, with the impressions taken from the patient's mouth, whitening medicine is placed on plates prepared according to the mouth, and these plates should remain in the mouth overnight (at least 6-8 hours) after brushing the teeth. The concentration of the drug used in office bleaching is high and the application time is short. In home type, the drug concentration is lower but the application time is longer.