• Primary teeth are completed at about 2-2.5 years of age. There are 20 primary teeth in total. The first teeth that appear in the mouth when kids are 4-6 months old are usually the lower anterior incisors.

  • Regular brushing should begin with the emergence of first primary tooth. Brush and paste suitable for the age of the child should be selected. Paste may not be used until the age of 3 against the risk of swallowing.

  • It is not a problem if there are gaps between the primary teeth.

  • Parents should be an example to their children, brushing teeth together should be encouraged.

  • The child must be given a balanced eating habit, and junk food must be restricted.

  • If milk is drunk before bedtime, the teeth must be brushed.

  • Children's dental controls should be done regularly, and dental/jaw development should be followed.